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인스타그램 vall_official_ : ss0_hot 님 후기(Instagram vall_official_ : ss0_hot review)

Updated: Jan 19, 2022


운동할때 얼굴에 땀과 유분으로 덮일시 간편하게 쓱 굴려만주면 메이크업은 그대로!!!

When working out and your face is covered with sweat and oiliness you can just simply roll this on your face and the makeup stays the same!!!

땀과유분만 순삭 해주는 요거 물건 입니다

It is an amazing product that removes only sweat and oiliness

마스크 때문에 번들 거릴때도 스윽 한번 굴러 주면 끝✌️

Even when you get oily because of the mask, the oiliness is over by rolling this for once✌️

화산석이 유분기에 좋은거 다들 알고 계시죠??

You all know that volcanic stone is great for the oiliness, right??

여자분들 남자 분들 상관없이 언제 어디서든 쓰실수 있어요🥰

Women or men, all gender can use this at any time, anywhere🥰

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